December 28, 2005

preferably French. I like the way they think

Hello all.

This is another heresay post.

My sister came running into my parents bedroom last week exclaiming that someone else picked up AD for 13 episodes. She didn't remember who. I asked her if it was Showtime or ABC, and she said she didn't think so. She heard this on Entertainment Tonight, but I haven't heard anything since.

Anybody have any clue?

posted by flukie42 @ 11:30 AM   1 comments

December 15, 2005

Some Good News

I guess Showtime and ABC have shown interest in buying Arrested Development once FOX is finished with it. Even though talks don't always lead to something it is still some good news and a good start. Bad news is that the Golden Globes didn't nomininate Arrested for anything. Eh Screw Hollywood Foreign Press.

posted by Jeans Pants @ 12:14 AM   0 comments

December 08, 2005


This hasn't been confirmed yet - at least not that I know of - but rumor has it that Fox is keeping Arrested Development a little bit longer again!

They will be bringing it back for at least 13 more episodes.

Also, from that same source - the new episodes of AD will run an hour long every monday.

Is this simply too good to be true?

posted by Mike Ambs @ 12:01 PM   0 comments

December 07, 2005

they just keep coming

Yet another myspace page dedicated to bringing Arrested Development back. Enjoy.

posted by Mike Ambs @ 2:10 PM   0 comments

December 06, 2005

spread the word

Turns out a girl has created a myspace page for saving Arrested Development - so far she has 120-something friends... perhaps we can join efforts to spread the word to Fox that they've "made a huge mistake". Here's a cut & paste from her about:
Something has to be done about the programming decision made at the Fox Network to cancel the smartest, funniest, two-time Emmy winningest show on tv. Let us all show Fox our outpouring of love and support for this show, instead of letting them use the outdated Nielsen system to determine its fate. Shows like Stacked, the way past its prime That 70's Show, and The War at Home mind-bogglingly remain on the air only because of the biased Nielsen Media Research, not because of their witty writing and stellar performances. I am a young adult, and know many 20-somethings with disposable income. Not a single one, nor any of their friends has a Nielsen box. Aren't we the ones programmers and advertisers seek?!?! So I ask you now, please show your love for this show in the hopes that Fox or another network will put it back on the air. To hell with the Nielsen numbers, we are the key advertising demographic and we won't let the networks forget. Please add any comments, suggestions, petitions featured in other pages, or favorite memories to show the vast numbers that this show has reached. Save Arrested Development!!!

posted by Mike Ambs @ 11:41 PM   0 comments